Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mom Spelled Backwards is 'Tired'

I just found a booger in my hair. And as I picked it out, and shook my head wondering how long it had been there, my mind flashed back to yesterday. I was feeding LiLi oatmeal, and she started to gag. In an insane & mindless effort to save her clothes and not have to wash it out of her highchair (like I did the day before) I caught her recycled cereal in my bare hands. I then calmly walked over to the kitchen sink, and scrubbed. Twice. If that doesn't get me into the 'Official Motherhood Club', I'm not sure anything will.

It's just a sad reminder to me that all of the glamor is gone. I came to this startling realization a few months after LiLi was born. We had decided to go tubing in Idaho. And as I self-consciously pulled at my modest two piece swimming suit, I looked down at Don's size ten shoes that I was wearing. I had forgotten mine, and the river ran on a bed of harsh traverntine that had given me some lovely shinners on my legs and attempted to turn my feet into mincemeat. In that cumulative moment, all I could think was, ...."Oh my."


  1. Ha Ha Haa! AS if! I can picture you standing there after tubing with a slightly pidgeon-toed stance -Or maybe you were channeling Charlie Chaplin in those over-sized shoes-. Motherhood isn't that tiring is it!?? I mean its not like Lili woke up at odd intervals during the night last time you stayed with us forcing you to sleep on the couch. I'm glad you got the booger out of your hair. It's just Adelei's way of letting everyone know that you belong to her. ;)

  2. Yes, LiLi definitely uses boogers as a way to leaver her "mark" on me.

  3. motherhood brings out the true glamour! in the moments when you do have it all together you understand true beauty :) the rest of the days don't count! ha ha. love your posts erin!
