Thursday, February 4, 2010

Judges Wanted

I'm taking a photography class. I figured since I have this great camera that I should figure out how to use it. So, I made it a New Year's Resolution to learn about the basics. Can you keep a secret? I don't think that I've ever kept a New Year's Resolution, so be super excited for me, okay?
Anyway, I've been taking pictures like crazy, and I need you to help me decide which pictures I'm going to showcase for my class. In this case I can't decide between some of LiLi's, and since I can't have all of my pictures be of her, I need to narrow it down to one. So let me know your vote in the form of a comment and why you like it best (i.e. composition, light, or just plain "because" will do). I have until next Wednesday to decide. Thanks for your help!!

Option #1:

Option #2:

Option #3:


  1. josh votes 2, and i vote 3. they're both really good photos. she's totally cute in the first one too, but her hair is kinda washed out by the sunlight.

  2. Number 2 for sure! I am so jelous... good luck. Looks like you are doing a wonderful job.

  3. Oh little lili-bee! This is a tough one. I like picture 2 a lot because of her little Ginger the giraffe, but 3 is really cute too because of the way the fuzzy coat frames the pic. But overall, I vote for 2; it has more color and she is smiling.

  4. Go with 2. The lighting and color are good and I like her little Mona Lisa smile. She looks like a wise baby.
    3 has a lot of blue undertones. You can add a little more red and yellow on the color balance to warm her up. . .
    In 1 she has the same look Jaden gets when he's had enough of the camera... But this might not be what lili-bee is thinking... maybe she is just being her lili-bee-ness self.

  5. #2. The light shining on Lili's face highlight's her expression, which happens to be the best one out of the 3 pictures. The colors are warmer and the composition is the best. Your eye travels from Lili's face to the giraffe, then back to her face. #2 is a more visually interesting picture.

  6. I like #2...they're all great though!
