Monday, August 16, 2010

LiLi Gets a Haircut

Today LiLi and I had a showdown. It was time to do something with her hair. It has become somewhat unruly, too short to really do anything with, but too long not to. So I decided to give her bangs.

It was about as easy as herding cats. And I sounded something like this:

"Hold still, sweetie," I sing in a sugery sweet voice.
"Hold still, Bugs."
"LiLi, hold still. Please."
"LiLi, hold still!"
"Child! Hold still!!"
"LiLi! Mommy's not kidding! I have extremely sharp scissors right next to your-LiLi! Stop it!"

I'm happy to say that things were a triumph. She has both eyes, and her hair looks cute. At least I think so. Feel free to give me some positive reinforcement.

I think it makes her look less like a baby and more like a toddler. She's growing so fast. LiLi now likes to:
  • say, "Hi, dada", "mama", "baba" (baby), "papa" (puppy), and "uh-oh"
  • walk when she thinks I'm not looking
  • giggles like it's Christmas when anything super fuzzy comes her way
  • imitate Don and I
  • holds her sippy cup by herself (Finally. Too bad we skipped the bottle phase, this one would have come sooner.)
  • randomly lick things with interesting textures
  • dance
  • sing
I must have done something right in getting to be her mommy. She's constantly making me laugh with her sweet baby antics.


  1. erin--i seriously teared up when i saw these pictures. she's getting so big and grown-up looking and she's so adorable and i just can't stand it! you've done a great job, dear. and not just with the hair. :)

  2. Her hair is way cute! Sounds like hair cutting at your house is still a little more mild than it is at our house- Josh is terrified of the clippers... she is adorable Erin. Seriously.

  3. She is such a cutie! I love the bangs. Sadie had them until she was big enough to say she didn't want them anymore. I liked them.


  4. she does look older! she's adorable!!

  5. I can't believe she has needed her hair cut! My little Ryan is Two and a half and I still try to do everything I can to get the dang hair to grow!! Your family is so sweet!! I love looking in on your blog from time to time!!
